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Next Event: TBA
Music Connection Me
Reflection Deep

A Thousand Years - piano - Christina Perry
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ExploreMovement workshops happen just 3-times a year...
Join the NEXT group on Monday morning, February 17!
in Jerusalem
at the Meyerhof Library Special Event Hall just next to Givat HaTachmoshet
10:30 am - 12:45 pm
Coffee, tea, and refreshments served.
Free mini-consultation available for every participant.
(earlybird special: 175nis until February 7!)
Get Your ZEST Back!
Click HERE for details about ExploreMovement in BROOKLYN on Feb. 23rd!
Frequently asked questions...
If you've ever joined one of my ExploreMovement groups, you already know
a lot about what it means to be comfortable in your own skin. You know a lot
about connecting to yourself, to your emotions, and to others -- all through
movement! (And you also know how much I appreciate you!)
Following are some answers to frequently asked questions that I hope will
give those of you new to ExploreMovement a healthy taste. Let’s go!
So it's an exercise class, right?
Is this kinda like yoga?
I don't know how to dance...okay?
What does it mean to "move the way my body wants to move?"
I heard that some women cry during the workshop. True???'s an exercise class, right?
ExploreMovement can get your endorphins pumped and leave you with that
good-all-over-feeling – but that’s not the primary goal. By the end of the
workshop, you’ll feel a balance between mind, body, and emotion.
Some call it “integration.” Others call it feeling really, really good and that’s
the goal.'s kinda like yoga?
Like yoga, ExploreMovement helps you tune-in to yourself and your body.
However, unlike yoga, you’ll move to some amazing music – and together,
we’ll work through different themes such as transitions, self-image,
boundaries, goals and dreams, relationships, anger, hope… Also, aside from
individual work, we sometimes work in pairs and sub-groups.
I don’t know how to dance...okay?
In my experience, the women who gain the most and make the greatest
strides are the “non-dancers.” That’s because ExploreMovement is not
about dancing; not about creating beautiful shapes or perfect lines. Here
we let go of all our “dance repertoire” and explore how our bodies actually
want and need to move in this moment. Sometimes that means stillness;
just enjoying doing nothing. Sometimes that means relaxing the neck and
shoulders. Sometimes it means dancing across the room.
"...the way my body wants to move?"
For many it may sound strange or even a little scary to focus on how
your body feels. That’s because most of us are not used to paying much
attention to inner sensations at all, except when something hurts. But with
practice and some guidance, that can change. Anybody can learn to notice
and respond intuitively to her body’s signals before something hurts.
Do participants sometimes...cry?
Yes, they do. Tears are an amazing release of stress hormones that often
get stuck inside the body, especially behind the neck, chest and heart, stomach,
and lower back. By learning to explore these parts and gently letting go, stress
is released and your nervous system rebalanced. That means you feel calmer,
you think and focus better, and have more energy.
Get ready for an enlivening, unforgettable experience!
We're waiting for YOU!
Here's what people say:
"Leah's movement workshops are nothing short of brilliant in creativity and effectiveness in helping me express my inner-self and move thru blockages that can hold me back.
-Rachel Factor, Performer, Public Speaker, Educator
"What we did was so significant to me."
-Leah Sapir,
Psychodrama Student
-Yocheved Rottenberg,
Certified "Journal to the Self" Instructor
"It's like nothing I've ever done."
-Rachel R., Ramat Eshkol
"Leah's gentle, vibrant guidance is brilliant and insightful."
-Miryam Esther Altman, Ramat Eshkol
Owner of "Homerunners," seminars to empower women.
"...the workshop enabled me to unwind and reconnect with myself. I feel a sense of clarity and
the authenticity that I have been craving."
-Rena Reiser, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor at
"The workshop went above and beyond my expectations. Amazing!"
-Chaya Baila R., Ramat Eshkol
"You enter the room and enter your inner self. Movement, music, expression, connection. You
emerge physically and emotionally refreshed! I look forward to this each time!"
-F.G. Sugar, Ramat Eshkol

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